yeah, we took almost the entire month of september off, but here we are to finish strong! and then we'll probably get behind again, thanks to life and other things going on. it turns out that with all kinds of other responsibilities including two full-time jobs between us, it's hard to get a pic a day up here. but we're trying.
it reminds of this video that was making the rounds on the internet a while back: it was of this high school x-country race, and it showed this one kid struggling to make it the last ten yards or so to the finish line. his body is exhausted and is basically shutting down on him. for all you non-athletic types out there, or you athletic types who have never reached this state, when you push your body far beyond it's limits and it's resources it basically turns on itself, and you.
having used up all of the fuel available to it, it begins to reprocess the remains of the spent fuel by sucking it back from where it put it in the first place- your muscle tissue. this does two fascinating things. first, it further depletes the muscle tissue of whatever fuel it was using to function, and second, because that substance has already been stripped of anything useful, it essentially becomes poison in your bloodstream as it speeds its way to all your other hungry muscles. this poison sends your body into shock and a neurological shut-down begins to conserve resources. ultimately you lose any coordination and muscle control while being fully aware of your predicament since the last place to still be receiving whatever viable resources are available is your brain. kind of like being falling-down-drunk, but completely clear-headed at the same time. it's an incredibly scary sensation to be asking your body to do something, but then having it do whatever it wants. it happened to me once and i'll never forget the sensation.
anyway, this poor kid is just not giving up. he's flailing, falling down on his face in the mood, probably peeing his pants, but each time he falls he struggles drunkenly to his feet to lurch another yard or so before completely break-dancing his way to another faceplant. you want to applaud his courage and sheer force of will, and at the same time run shrieking from the room at seeing another human being behave this way. well, folks, that kid is us. and hopefully, as we pee our pants and fall on our faces you'll continue to stick around for the show. because we're really trying.
there are a week of back dated posts for the month of september entitled "plains, trains, and automobiles," and then one day of "goodbye, summer." the entire month of october will be devoted to all things autumn and halloweeney. enjoy...
she saw:

he saw: