
One subject a day, for one year, from two perspectives. Three-hundred and sixty-five photos, times two.

Monday, May 31, 2010

tens... #5

she saw:


she said:

"love the tones of this picture. it's peaceful to me."

he saw:

Peter Beard

he said:

Peter Beard. where to start? for one thing, he's a lot less controversial than sally mann. he's a fashion photographer, fine arts photographer, painter, assembler, collagist, conservationist, naturalist... artist. he's they type of person who could be The Most Interesting Man In The World: charming, handsome, fit, smart, sensitive, artistic, rustic, sophisticated, etc. you know the drill- women want him, men want to be him.

his photography is top notch, even before he begins smooshing it all together with animal bone fragments, scrapbook style ephemera, other photos, newspaper clippings... even his own blood. i don't know what it is about collage photography that flips my switch, but there's something there that really gets me going. maybe it's that on a large enough scale, the whole thing is a puzzle where someone has taken any number of seemingly random items and given you the task of deciding how it all fits together?

or maybe it's a 'bang for your buck' type of thing? it's fun to feel overwhelmed at first, and to jump in to the puzzle. i certainly don't feel the same impact that i would from a singular, strong image, but graphically i'm drawn to the collagists and enjoy the process of picking apart the larger image, dissecting each building block, and forming a narrative on my own. and maybe it goes a little deeper than that.

perhaps the single, straightforward image is like seeing your neighbor standing on his/her front steps- not confrontational, but direct. looking at a well put-together collage is like looking in that same neighbor's windows after they've gone inside for the night, and following them from room to room, window to window, and getting a lot of what's going on, but there's that time between rooms, between windows, where you have to use your imagination, and you wonder what's really going on...

i just like them, that's all.

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